University of Pennsylvania
Department of Physics and Astronomy
High Energy Physics Seminar

A 2nd generation long baseline neutrino experiment - Neutrino program at JHF
Akira Konaka


A proposal for a new long baseline neutrino experiment is being developed for JHF (Japan Hadron Facility) which is just approved by the government last Devember. This experiment is regarded as a 2nd generation long baseline neutrino experiment, because it uses a narrow band neutrino beam tuned at the oscillation maximum in order to achieve an order of magnitude better precision in numu->nutau oscillation parameter measurements as well as to discover numu->nue appearance which is sensitive to the nue-nutau mixing. Initially, the experiment uses Super-Kamiokande detector as a far detector. Later, an upgraded Million-tonne scale detector is considered, making measurement of leptonic CP violation as well as overconstrain the leptonic unitarity triangle. I will describe the physics and the details of the JHF neutrino experiment.