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Shipping and Installing the Programs

In the following sections, the directory pathnames are given using UNIX syntax. Although the syntax is different on VMS machines, the name of each directory is the same. In the examples below, the user cdsno's root directory is /users/cdsno, and the hepdb parent directory is /hepdb. In VMS, these might be dkb$200:[cdsno] and dkb$200:[hepdb], respectively.

From your ``cdsno'' account, pick up snodb_3_06_05.tar.gz via anonymous ftp from the distribution site:

From this directory copy the tar file

snodb_n_nn.tar.gz where n_nnis the version number (i.e. 3_06_05)

into the cdsno root directory (e.g., /users/cdsno). Run ``gunzip'' and ``tar xvf snodb_n_nn.tar'' to expand it (these utilities are available for VMS machines. Contact Rob Komar if you can't find them). You should now have the following directory structure in ``cdsno'':

Go to the /*_fdirectories and remove any ``*.o'' files, and then remove any files from the /exes directory.
Mon Aug 10 17:56:28 EDT 1998