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Creating the hepdb.names File

Next create the hepdb.names file via
/3_06_05/scripts/snodb.perl -names
This file is created in $CDSERV/ and it contains the server configuration. It contains such information as the location of the database file(s), the location of the server's directories, the write and read authorizations, the wake-up interval for the server, node locations, etc.

For the typical case where you are following this installation procedure in order to install the database from scratch, you must edit the hepdb.names file in order to temporarily fool cdserv into thinking that your node is a master server and not a slave server. This way, the updates resulting from the execution of sndirs and snalia later on in this installation procedure will be processed immediately on your local node rather than being queued up for processing by the remote master node. The edit to hepdb.names is simply to change the line

You will be instructed to remove this change later in the installation procedure.
Mon Aug 10 17:56:28 EDT 1998