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Loading the Database with the SNOMAN Titles Files

Finally you can load the database with the SNOMAN titles files. First, you must start the server running via
/3_06_05/scripts/snodb.perl -server
Then, to start the (long) process by which the database is loaded with the initial database files-mainly SNOMAN-related titles files containing geometry and various physics constants-type
/3_06_05/scripts/snodb.perl -load_tz
This loads the SNOMAN titles files in the database file sm.dbs in the official database directory. The loading is performed by running the program sdb_input_titles.

After the loading is finished, the server is stopped, the copies of the journal files used to implement the loading of the titles files in the hepdb/cdsno/save directory are backed up. The journal files in the resulting backup can be used to re-input the data into the database files again (just by copying them into the hepdb/cdsno/todo directory), and are stored in case they are needed to repair the database after it is corrupted, or the disk fails, or some other similar catastrophe.

If you edited the hepdb.names file in Section 1.3.5 you must undo the edit now. This entails changing the line

If the server is already running, you must stop and restart it in order to make this change have effect. To stop the server, issue the command: /3_06_05/scripts/snodb.perl -stop_server

and then restart it by issuing the command: /3_06_05/scripts/snodb.perl -server
Mon Aug 10 17:56:28 EDT 1998