Special Installation Installations for SNODB Version 3_06_05

1. Get 3_06_05.tar.gz from the Penn web site at URL
   http://www.hep.upenn.edu/SNO/ (go to "snodb").
   gunzip and untar it from your /hepdb/cdsno area.

2. Copy 3_06_04/scripts/snodb.config to
   (this will overwrite untar'd version of snodb.config which has
    been set up for Penn disk areas etc. with the version which 
    you have already correctly set up for your local configuration)

3. After editing 3_06_05/scripts/snodb.perl so that the first line
   points to the location of Perl on your system, run 
   3_06_05/scripts/snodb.perl -dir
   3_06_05/scripts/snodb.perl -extract
   3_06_05/scripts/snodb.perl -make_tools
   3_06_05/scripts/snodb.perl -names

4. run
   3_06_05/scripts/snodb.perl -build_official

   Respond "no" (the default response) to the query regarding 
   deleting .dbs files.

5. run
   3_06_05/scripts/snodb.perl -slave_to_master
   to temporarily set up your node as a database master

6. run the bourne shell script
   to modify validity ranges of all existing eca/pca banks
   When this is complete there should be 27 files in the 
   /hepdb/cdsno/todo directory. 

7. run 
   3_06_05/scripts/snodb.perl -master_to_slave
   to revert your node to slave status

8. run
   3_06_05/scripts/snodb.perl -process_updates
   to incorporate the validity range changes made via sn_edit_keys
   into the database.  This procedure will also send the czars
   a snapshot of the database for verification purposes.

9. Once I receive verification of completion of the above steps via
   the automatic mailing of the snapshot, I will propagate out Steve
   Biller's ECA constants to your node.

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This page maintained by
Doug Cowen (cowen@dept.physics.upenn.edu)
Last updated on $Date: 1998/08/11 21:12:27 $ by $Author: cowen $