John Alison

Background and Research Interests

I am a graduate student of Physics at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn), and in my second year of the research with the High Energy Physics group. One of our groups major areas of research is on Atlas, one of the large collaborations at the Large Hadronic Collider (LHC) in Geneva. The Atlas experiment involves over two thousand of the worlds top physicists and will explore the fundamental nature of matter at higher energy scales than ever before.

My personal interests include fundamental physics and its relation to philosophy (particularly philosophy of knowledge), as well as mathematics, logic, probability theory, and epistemology. I am involved in research at the Large Hadronic Collider which promises to answer (and presumably raise) many fundamental questions concerning our notions of reality.

Recent Work

The Penn group has played a major role in the design, construction and installation of the Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT), the largest tracking system in Atlas' Inner Detector. Measurements provided by the TRT allow particle tracks to be reconstructed at large radii providing an accurate measurement of their momentum while also measuring the amount of transition radiation they produce.

In the News

Against Europe, U.S. research dollars declining.